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Your Dog's Story
Duffy is the very sweet, beloved animal companion of his elderly and now disabled mother. Duffy's mother cherished her baby Duffy, and he was treated as her darling little prince all the days of their life together. They lived their happy days alone in their snug home in the beautiful Greenville mountains. Duffy depended on his mother and she depended on him.

Unfortunately, about a year and a half ago, Duffy's mother's health began to fail. As Duffy's mother's physical body began to fail her, she was devastated that she could no longer take Duffy on their treasured daily walking expeditions. Duffy, however, instinctively understood that he and his mother's regular activities would have to be limited as a result of the decline in his mother's health, and felt no disappointment. As long as Duffy got to be with his mother, both he and his mother were perfectly content just to be in one another's company.

Over time, Duffy's mother's dementia and physical ailments became more prevalent. Duffy's mother had a dangerous fall, and her adult children, who did not live close to her and Duffy, were extremely worried for their mother's safety. After much deliberation, Duffy's mother moved into an assisted living facility. Duffy's mother's doctors decided that Duffy would present a fall risk to his mother, and he was no longer allowed to live with his her. No family members or friends were willing or able to adopt Duffy. Both Duffy and his mother were devastated and terrified for Duffy's future.

My friend, Teal, learned about the tragic separation of these two intertwined souls. Although Teal did not know Duffy or his mother previously, Teal took Duffy home with her, and promised Duffy's mother that she would bring Duffy to visit her frequently.

Duffy now lives with his adoptive mother, Teal. Duffy and Teal have bonded like two peas in a pod. They visit Duffy's mother at the care facility several times a week. At each and every visit, Duffy and his mother are elated to see one another. They spend their regular visits relishing each other's companionship, catching up on what they have missed during their days apart and cuddling. Instead of sadness that they can no longer live together, Duffy and his mother spend the time visiting content and grateful for every precious moment together. Teal is always heartened to witness the touching reunions between the two indivisible souls.

Duffy is an extraordinary dog. He is adored by both his lifelong mother and his adoptive mother, Teal. Teal was initially motivated to open her heart and home to Duffy after hearing the heartbreaking story of their being torn apart and because Duffy had no where else to go, and would have ended up in a shelter. After Duffy and Teal got to know one another, Teal believes that it was Duffy who did her the favor. Duffy has brought so much happiness to Teal that she cannot imagine her life without him. The best part of this potentially calamitous story is that Duffy now has the benefit of two devoted, adoring mothers.

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Full Moon Farm Wolf Dog Sanctuary
P.O. Box 1374
39 Full Moon Trail
Black Mountain, NC 28711-1374
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