Marilyn Milano 5 votes
Meggie was a huge encouragement, just like an angel, when mom and dad were dealing with some medical stuff. She is not only beautiful and smart, she is loving and sweet....really one of a kind.
Lori King 5 votes
Meggie, your Cocker Spaniel friends in Philadelphia are all rooting for you
Shafer Elliott 20 votes
This is Cousin Shafer the Cocker - My vote is for my superhero cousin Meggie. We are both blood relatives as red and white parti Cockers, and I am so proud of Meggie. She has been an extraordinary example of our breed this year as a certified Duke University service dog as a result of her dad’s severe illness. I’m so proud of my little cousin. I didn’t mention she is also a fashionista - her wardrobe of tutu’s and dresses is unmatched. Love you Meggie! -Shafer🐶💖
lisa tonkin 10 votes
Meggie is a beautiful cocker spaniel that brings happiness to everyone she meets . Her mommy and daddy do so much for everyone she deserves to be on this calendar . Submitted by Lisa-Robin Tonkin, Albany, New York .
Marilyn Milano 5 votes
Meggie you are the best and cutest girl and this is the best and cutest picture. Sending tons of love!