Contest has ended. Eastern Time

Willi & Buddy

Willi & Buddy

Willi & Buddy

255 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $255
Goal $250
Cutie's Age
10 & 13

Cutie's City & State
New York

Entrant's Name
Dana Rose

Tell Us A Little About Your Cutie Pie
Willi and Buddy are GrandPaws cousins who love relaxing on the couch with a comfy blanket. Buddy rides the train from New York City to visit Willi on Long Island, where they enjoy hanging out in the yard and trying to snag a treat. As the younger pup, Willi is the more mischievous of the two, constantly demanding belly rubs and barking at anyone or anything that passes by his house. Buddy prefers quiet naps and strolls around the block on a sunny day, but he's picked up some of Willi's habits and won't stay quiet when there's pizza around. These two little guys have brought lots of joy into their families' lives.

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Morrisville, PA 19067
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