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Your Pet's Rescue Story
My best doggo friend Pepper died 6 years ago and I thought that fostering would be a good start towards having a dog again. Thea was the first dog from the Pet Alliance that I fostered. She was 2.5 months when I got her and was a rescue from Puerto Rico.

Over the 10 days she was with me, we spent a LOT of time together and I got used to having a dog again. I went back and forth between totally wanting to keep her and knowing that it may not be the best time. I just couldn’t land on a decision. Part of me knew with everything going on in my life right now that she would be a wonderful distraction, but the other part of me worried that with everything going on in my life that it may not work. As each day passed I talked to friends and family trying to figure out what I should do and I got nowhere. Finally on the Friday before I was supposed to bring her in for her checkup I reached out to the rescue to see what would happen when I brought her in.

I was told that if the vet cleared her for adoption, then I would either need to leave her there to be adopted or adopt her myself. I knew I had a lot of thinking to do over the weekend. And over the weekend something happened that finally made my decision VERY easy for me. Two days before I was to bring her in for her checkup my family had a REALLY bad day. REALLY bad. I won’t get into it, but it was a royal mess. By that evening one thing was clear, I never would have made it through the day if Thea hadn’t been there with me. She was my savior that day. By Monday morning I had decided that she was staying with me no matter what.

And so my first foster pup also became my first "foster failure."

It hasn’t been all sunshine and roses since I adopted her, but it has been pretty amazing. Potty training is no joke people!! But Thea is totally comfortable here and we have become fast friends. She loves sitting in my lap while I work, loves to lay in the sun and eat leaves, eats way too fast and gives herself hiccups, made fast friends with my parent’s dogs (at least one of them), is super snuggly, her legs are too long for her body, and she hates my hairbrush.

So there ya have it, I got a puppy and I’m absolutely in love. 🧡

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Quantum Leap Winery
Pet Alliance Orlando
2727 Conroy Rd.
Orlando, FL 32839
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