Serving San Diego County, Next Step Service Dogs enriches the lives of many rescue dogs and wounded warriors, giving new joy and purpose to both.
For centuries, dogs have been bred to work – to protect, scout, fetch, herd, alert, and track. So becoming a service dog for a veteran is in fact their highest and best calling, enlisting their keen senses and strengths to perform tasks that reduce anxiety dramatically, save a life, and give each veteran a renewed sense of self-control and being present now with friends and family, away from past traumas.
This calendar celebrates the diversity and unconditional love of our canine buddies who not only create laughter and tenderness, but also inspire companionship, trust, and leadership at all ages.
So we thank you deeply for your support in this fundraiser which will share the sheer fun and charm of the canine world as well as help to fund more service dogs helping more veterans.
For more information on how service dogs are trained, what they do, and how veterans benefit from these amazing dogs, please visit more pages of