Adrienne Steurer
🐾 Mayzie
Bryar Grondin
Go Willie! Thank you for taking care of us First Responders, even when we don’t know how much we need you 💛 Your kind, loving nature and intuitive soul is just what we all need. You and your mama have made such a difference. Can’t wait to see the amazing things you do in the future!
Alberta Broomhall
Willie is the most calm,loveable dog. I have had him come to work and he immediately gravatates to me. He is so gentle with kids and adults. Dawn and Willie are a great team and made for this type of work.
Jenn Chafin
Way to go, Willie! You’ve got this! The Chafin Dawgs are rooting for you, too!
Jeanne Charest
Go Willie go. Your first momma knows you can do this. You have found your special calling