Kelly Estrada 1 vote
God bless Everleigh. He will keep blessing her because she is a miracle baby and God has her in his hands
Keeley Weise 20 votes
Beautiful little girl 💕
Michaela Jackson 1 vote
Everleigh is such a sweet and lively little girl! She captures the heart of everyone she meets and brightens all rooms with her precious smile.
amayrani pilar 5 votes
my baby cousin is the cutest, she is a strong baby & made it through a long way, can't wait to keep seeing her grow up and be a beautiful girl
Cammelle Fortes 10 votes
Dear Everleigh it is a beautiful thing to see you grow and to see how far you have come. I can not wait for the future you have a head of you. You are loved and blessed in every way.