Marilyn Ford 100 votes
Bradford and Lisa you represent the best of Joyrides Rescue! Whatever the outcome, you bring joy to your mom and all of us who want to save all the pups.
Marilyn Ford 60 votes
Joyrides Rescue is what Bradford and his mom, Lisa, do -- literally! I met Lisa in an on-line spin (bike) class during the pandemic in 2020, although I live in FL and she lives in TX. By 2021 Lisa was a fill-in host for the spin class and we all met Bradford. Lisa has been the full-time spin class leader since 2022, with Bradford always present. Yes, we see his tail, his antics looking for dog treats, and sometimes the stuffing of toys that Bradford disassembles during our class. It is evident he and his mom have a bond that goes beyond the usual. Lisa volunteers for Joyrides Rescue and continually promotes Joyrides on her Facebook page. It is an honor to donate to Lisa and Bradford, and all the other ‘Lisa and Bradfords” out there when need a chance to live and to love, to find their forever family.
bonnie labuda 25 votes
You are the best choice for the cover
Mary McCrindle 50 votes
While I live elsewhere this is such a great idea! Lisa and Bradford are great ambassadors for Joy Rides and I am happy to support them!!
Robert Reed 50 votes
Bradford is THE best boy!!!