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Your pet's story or bio (Describe your pet, its characteristics, favorite hobbies, or even a funny story)
Despite the many challenges he has faced, including having lived life as a stray before being adopted from SAPA, Prince is a charasmatic little guy who loves to play, chomp on treats, and shower anyone who will let him with kisses. Perhaps his life as a stray holds the explanation as to why such a happy and sweet dog can become overly anxious at times, within a moment's notice. But despite the the struggles he has already faced and the epileptic seizures he endures every now and again, Prince's happy spirit always shines through. Give him a ball, or any toy for that matter, and he will run like the wind to get it. Even just moments after having had a seizure he is ready to roughhouse with his friend, Achilles, or get into some kind of mischief. Prince is a truly loving companion who makes every day bright. I can hardly wait to celebrate the 1st anniversary of his adoption next month:)

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San Antonio Pets Alive
5545 Fredericksburg Rd, Suite 240
San Antonio, TX 78229
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