Voting Ends 8/31/2024 at 11:59:59 PM Pacific Time



5 votes

Owner's Name
Barbara Naugle


Pet's Quirks
Favorite Activities: Chasing chipmunks; dozing by the fire; gazing with admiration at her favorite humans

Pet's Story
Penny found us shortly after we lost our cocker spaniel. My cousin had a friend who bred Springer Spaniels and always gave one puppy away from each litter. "I like to pay it forward." He said. After a few phone calls, my cousin arrived from upstate NY with a puppy for us. She wakes up happy every single day. She is head over heels in love with Chuck, her main person. She travels well, smiles at everyone she meets, and except for a tendency to eat knitting patterns (if they are left out), she is the absolute perfect dog.

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San Diego Humane Society
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA 92110
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