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San Diego, CA

San Diego

Nelson came to us from SoCal BullDog rescue in April. He was sad and sore from the tough situation he was leaving behind but kept trying to wag his tail and look for snuggles. He stole our hearts within five minutes of meeting him and has kept tightly hold ever since. He's an absolute sweetheart and complete goofball. He comes into work with us and is the leading cause of (happy) procrastination in our office. His favorite pose is "superman" as he leaps onto any chair/sofa/bed that happens to have his favorite humans on it. He is unable/unwilling to keep his tongue in his mouth as delights in drooling on us. We adore him. Thank you SoCal BullDog Rescue for giving Nelson to us.

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Southern California Bulldog Rescue
PO Box 10313
Santa Ana, CA 92711
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