HELP of Beaufort is proud to announce our 3
rd annual Nationwide Pet Photo Calendar Contest…"Raise the Woof!"
Does your pet have what it takes to be a cover model? Think your pet is picture-perfect? This is your chance to show off your fur baby…not only will you be helping to raise money for our community's new building, but you also have the chance to win some really cool prizes!
We realized during the pandemic there was a demographic that we have missed out in helping with throughout the years…clients pets! We now offer free dog and cat food, as well as other items such as leashes, bowls, treats, etc. when donated. We would like to keep that in place when our new building is done, and what a fun way to do that by entering your pet!
Contest entry is FREE and votes are only $1 each. Every dollar makes a difference in helping us reach our goal to better serve our clients here in Beaufort and the surrounding counties. And what's GREAT about this contest is it's nationwide so if you have family or friends out of the area that would love a chance to win, they can all benefit from the prizes!
So, get those cameras ready for the moment when your companion strikes that perfect pose. All donations are tax-deductible and go directly to our building campaign!
- Grand Prize Winner (1) - The pet who receives the most overall votes, regardless of category, will be featured on the 2025 calendar cover and be the featured pet in the month of their choosing.
In addition, they will receive a $1,000 Chewy, Petco OR Petsmart Gift card (winners choosing), an artist rendering of their pet and 2 copies of the calendar.
- Category Winners (3) - The ranking for this prize level is determined by a pet's PER CATEGORY ranking, not contest overall ranking.
The pets with the most votes (excluding the Grand Prize Winner) in the categories of "Top Dog", "Top Cat" and "Top Other" will receive a $200 Chewy, Petco, OR Petmsart Gift Card (winners choosing), be a 2025 calendar month's featured pet, and receive 2 copies of the calendar.
- Featured Pet Winners (8) - The top 8 pets who receive the most overall votes (excluding the grand prize winner and the 3 category winners) will receive a $50 Chewy, Petco OR Petsmart gift card (winners choosing), be featured as a 2025 calendar month's featured pet, and one copy of the calendar.
- Photo Collage - All pet contestants are winners! All entrants will have their picture in the collage page featured in the 2025 calendar. Calendars will be available in October 2024.
- All above winners, if not local, will have their prizes mailed to them.
The contest will start at 9:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Thursday, April 11, 2024, and end at 9:00:00 PM (Eastern Time) on Friday, June 14, 2024. We are so excited to be running this contest and hope you are too! Once entered and contest has started, sharing your link is the best way to get the word out and encouraging everyone to vote for your fur baby.