Contest has ended. Eastern Time



1410 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $1,410
Goal $1,000
Your Name
Connie Kile

Your City and State (or Provence)
Rhode Island

Tells us about your special pet/s. Make it interesting, fun and heartfelt to encourage those votes! If you adopted or rescued your pet be sure to let everyone know. (For the winners – this information may be used in the calendar). Tell us about your pets' funny quirks, habits and personality!
Paxton is a happy-go-lucky, not-so-smart bully breed who loves snacks, adventures that involve snacks, walks with other pups, breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, and long (very long) naps by the fire.
Adopted at 3, and now 11, he boasts nearly 150 nicknames and provides night-long entertainment at parties with his humping.
He is asking YOU to help him get into the coveted Potter League Calendar!!

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Potter League for Animals
87 Oliphant Lane
Middletown, RI 02842
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