Contest has ended. Eastern Time



1970 votes

Your Name
Trisha Torres

Your City and State (or Provence)
Rehoboth, MA

Tells us about your special pet/s. Make it interesting, fun and heartfelt to encourage those votes! If you adopted or rescued your pet be sure to let everyone know. (For the winners – this information may be used in the calendar). Tell us about your pets' funny quirks, habits and personality!
I have a soft spot for animals with special last year when a video of a tiny kitten with deformed front legs and misshapen tail came across my newsfeed looking for a home, I clicked on the link to see where she was. Ironically, she had been posted by a friend who runs a busy shelter in New Jersey who I have adopted from after a quick road trip to NJ - Bijoux came to stay.

She is very tiny - my vet at first thought she might have dwarfism - so at 5 lbs. she is full grown - a perpetual kitten!!! I picked the name Bijoux because by definition it is exactly what she is "something delicate, elegant, or highly prized". One of my favorite things about Bijoux is her determination to do everything a "normal" cat would be capable of doing.....and she does! She also has no fear as it pertains to our other full-sized cats. She is a leading member of Team Spunk we like to say.

So, although we weren't looking to add another permanent member to our household....Baby Bijoux simply teeter-tottered her way into our hearts on her wonky legs and there she will stay.

Please consider voting for her - we want to show the world that animals with special needs are also so deserving of being adopted and loved.

Thanks and much love from me and Bijoux.

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Potter League for Animals
87 Oliphant Lane
Middletown, RI 02842
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