Contest has ended. Eastern Time



170 votes

Fundraising Goal

Raised $170
Goal $300
Your Name
Laura O’Toole

Your City and State (or Provence)
Middletown, RI

Tells us about your special pet/s. Make it interesting, fun and heartfelt to encourage those votes! If you adopted or rescued your pet be sure to let everyone know. (For the winners – this information may be used in the calendar). Tell us about your pets' funny quirks, habits and personality!
Pippin is a beautiful brilliant Potter boy - the smartest cat who has ever lived with us - and we have had many amazing cats! He knows the names of no fewer than 6 of his mouse toys and carries them around the house every day! (Blue Mouse and his best friend Purple Mouse; Mouse King, Crinkle Mouse, Wand Mouse.) He will bring them to us if we ask by name. And every morning is a hide and seek adventure to find where Blue Mouse and Purple Mouse have migrated in the night. He will often carry more than one in his mouth at the same time, placing them carefully somewhere or another in close proximity. It is many the night that we hear him dragging “wand mouse” bumpity-bump up or down all 13 stairs to initiate some play. But most of all he is a loving friend and gregarious when friends and family come to call. No one who has met him hasn’t fallen in love! And it was love at first sight for us!

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Potter League for Animals
87 Oliphant Lane
Middletown, RI 02842
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